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big problem

25 9:19:55

Hey I am new to the whole fish keeping thing, so I have no idea what is going on with my fish, (my favourite green tiger barb) he was swimming at the top of the tank for about 2 days, he didnt seem to be able to get down, and every so often he would do some backflips and swim round in circles, he gasped for air at the top of the tank all the time. I have 9 other fish and they are all absolutely fine. I went to check on him earlier today and he was belly up at the bottom of the tank but still breathing. My other tiger barbs were picking on him because he couldnt move so I rescued him and put him in a bucket of tank water, but he died later. Could you please tell me what happened to him and how I can stop it happening to my other fish. I read that it could be a swim bladder problem that makes them swim funny, caused by them taking in too much air when eating. I confess I floated the food when I first got my fish (about 6 weeks ago) but when I read you shouldnt do that I now soak it in a cup first until it sinks to the bottom. Does this kind of problem take time to develop? did I kill my fish by putting food on top of the water, even though I dont do it now are the effects showing now? I love my fish, hate when thy die!

Any advice you could give me at all I would really appreciate


Hi Jule;

Poor little fella. I don't think it was his swim bladder. Usually they just have a hard time swimming up if it is the swim bladder. It sounds like some other kind of internal problem. Fish can have heart failure, kidney failure, cancer, brain problems, etc., just like people and other animals do. Most likely there was just nothing you could have done to prevent it. Things like that just happen I'm afraid.

Just keep water quality good for the other fish by making regular water changes. Replace 25% every week to two weeks. This keeps all the fishes' immune systems strong.

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