Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > un pez goldfish

un pez goldfish

23 15:28:38

hi   fish   deeva  
 it's  me   sebastian   the  old   fish   diede   yester day   so  we   got    a  new   one  .will   the   new   goldfish  live   happy   even  if  he  will  be  alone  .thank   you   for   all  you  have   done   .  thank   you

I don't know if it will live very long, Sebastian.  There is something obviously not correct in the way they are being kept or they would not keep dying.

I suggest you send me the specifications of your aquarium.  Please answer the following questions.

1. What size is the tank?
2. How often is water changed?
3. How do you feed your fish?
4. What is the size of the filter and what kind is it?
5. Do you add water dechlorinator to your water when you replace it into the tank?