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Pregnant Swordtail

23 16:22:21

Hi Dave,

My pregnant swordtail (remember, the one I bought a while ago) is now pretty big, and the little red bubbles I was talking to you about, now turned yellow/orange-ish.  I dont really see a gravid spot, just two little black dots near her anal fin.  But (oh, I did take her out of the breeder box for  about 1 week...) now she is hanging out by the heater and plants near the surface of the water.  She is breathing really fast.   When I walked in the room, I saw the angelfish and gourami huddled under her/and the plants.  I think she is giving birth, so I very carefully put her back in the breeder box doing my best without disturbing her.   Is she giving birth right now?  About how long does it take?  



Hi Bekah:  it takes a good 24 hours for her to finish giving birth... She was probably stressed about the angelfish and the gourami pestering her.  Keep her in the birthing tank please... she will be fine there... the more stress she undergoes the more likely she is to either get sick or just simply die.  If the angelfish and the gourami were picking on her she could give birth prematurely and thus could be in labor right now... please keep me posted... dave