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new betta seems sick

23 15:26:57

Hi Jaymie,
Last week, I got a new crowntail betta. I filled his 1 gallon tank with tap water and treated it with water conditioner. After an hour, I placed my betta and his bag in the water and let it float there for a half hour, then I cut the bag and released him into the tank. The first two days that he was in the tank, he stayed very still towards the bottom in a diagonal position. Then, the third morning I had him, I woke up to find him staying at the surface of the tank, occasionally swimming around up there. He's been there ever since. He burps up bubbles, has one gill that sticks out all the time, hasn't eaten anything I've fed him (ranging from pellets, freeze dried blood worms, and live blood worms)since I got him, and is pooping out white stringy stuff. The pet store suggested aquarium salt and betta revive because of a possible fungal infection, so I put both in his tank two days ago, but there hasn't been any change. Also, if I put my finger near the tank, he swims towards the bottom, but then floats back up to the surface. What's wrong? Is there anything I can do to help the little guy? Thanks so much!

The parasite hexamita, that can attack internal organs, very often causes white stringy poop. Feed the fish anti-parasite food that contains metrodonidazole. One gallon is not big enough for him. The smallest size tank for a Betta is 2.5 gallons but 5 gallons is best. He is also a tropical fish and his water has to be 80 degrees at all times. That means he needs a heater even in the summer. Stress can cause white poop. For a fish, stress is bad water quality or changes in water parameters. Measure for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH. Check the temperature. Moving to a new tank or the addition of new tankmates can also cause stress. Bacterial infections can lead to stringy white poop. Before acting check for other signs of infection (redness, lethargy, lack of appetite). Are his fins clamped at all? I do not believe it is a fungal infection. It sounds like maybe his water is not good. In that small of a tank you have to do 25% water changes every 3 days. Test his water and let me know what the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are.