Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > one white spot on bettas tail

one white spot on bettas tail

23 16:42:14

QUESTION: My crowntail betta has one white spot on the end of one of his tail "feathers."  That particular "feather" is shorter than the others. I haven't noticed any other spots, nor have I noticed any scratching behavior.  The only thing I've been able to find about white spots is ich, but he doesn't seem to be exhibiting any of the other symptoms, although he is not eating as well as he has in the past.  Any idea what this might be?

Does it look like a grain of salt type of white spot? Or is the tip of it white?  If it's the tip that's white, that should be a sign of the fin/tail regrowing.  Did you notice it before that it was shorter?  He may have had a minor bout of fin/tail rot, and now it's healing.  Be sure to keep his water clean by doing frequent water changes-the amount depending on the size tank he's in.  And, just keep an eye on him for other signs/symptoms, especially if he's not eating like he used to.  Are you giving him a varied diet?  How about peas?  It's a good idea to feed most fish(I give all mine a once or twice a week dose)a pea, just split it open and let them eat some of the inside.  Scoop out any that is left uneaten.  It's good for helping with constipation and sometimes swim bladder issues.  Try that and see if it helps.

Let me know if you have more questions or if the above doesn't sound like what his problem is.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Christy,
It's bigger than a grain of salt (maybe 5-6 grains together)but it does look like salt.  I've checked him pretty thoroughly with a flashlight, and can't see any other spots.  It just seemed to show up about two weeks ago.  It may have gotten a tiny bit bigger, but I can't be sure.  He's in a 2 1/2 gallon tank with two white clouds.  I've had them all for about six months.  I do about a 50% water change every 10-14 days, keep the water temp at 75 degrees.  I have a bio filter with carbon.  I've tried a 5 day treatment with a tea tree oil product for fish with no improvement.  I feed the white clouds flakes and while they're eating I give the betta his betta bites.  Once in a while he'll eat one of the pieces of flake food, but he prefers the bites.

Hi Amy
If it's bigger then a grain of salt, then I doubt it's ich.  And after 2 weeks, it would most likely be showing up on the rest of his body if it was ich.

I'm guessing you tried MelaFix(tea tree oil remedy)?  I personally MelaFix is great, but I think it's works better for fish that are injured from fighting etc.  PimaFix is much better to use for minor antibacterial infections and fungus, it just seems to treat those better.  And I usually try to use that first before using stronger meds, the stronger meds can kill off your beneficial bacteria in a cycled tank.  I have a large cichlid fish that sounds like it may have the same thing as your betta.  Except it's not affecting my fish in any way.  I've been using actually both PimaFix and MelaFix combined to treat it.  The spot doesn't appear cottony looking does it?

Any chance of you getting a picture?  If so, my email is  .  From what you're describing, I would guess it's either a bacterial infection or possibly even a viral infection.  I would try using the PimaFix first.  Also, since your tank is filtered, I would up those water changes to 25% once a week.  It's less stressful on the fish doing the smaller weekly water changes.  Vary their diet a bit as well to help them get different vitamins and minerals.  Bettas (all fish really) love bloodworms-either frozen or freeze dried, though mine prefer the frozen.  Also some frozen brine shrimp, and once a week, throw a bit of the inside of a pea in for them.  That helps with any constipation issues that could arise.  

Keep an eye out for other symptoms, and give the PimaFix a try.  If it doesn't work, or he gets worse, you may need a stronger antibiotic like Maracyn Two.  I would separate him though to another tank or large bowl if you need to use the stronger med.  Like I said, they have a tendency to kill off the beneficial bacteria in the tank.  

Let me know how it goes, and if you can send a photo.
