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75 gal. classroom tank

23 15:18:44

  After reading your answer to the question about african dwarf frogs I thought I would ask one myself. I am a 7th grade science teacher completing my first year. I acquired a 75gallon aquarium that I hope to use next year. I just finished setting up my 10gallon tank at home for the summer. I have put the 2 african dwarf frogs I inherited from another teacher in there for the summer.
   I'm hoping to fill my 75gallon with the frogs and some fish... probably tropical. I'm open to anything. I like gouramis and have had a variety of tetras and catfish in my previous tanks. Overall, I would like to have smaller variety and greater quantity. If you have any suggestions as far as which species play well together and the number of each that would work well I would greatly appreciate you advice. Also, if you have any other advice as to aquarium care at that scale please feel free to share!

Thank you,

Hi Dan,
Smaller variety and greater quantity.... sounds like schooling fish are your best bet. Tetras like Neons, black neons, glowlight, lemon, black phantom, bleeding hearts. And rasboras like scissortail and Harlequin rasboras are all fine choices! They all are generally compatible and thrive when kept in large schools of 8 or more.

Danios are another very active and small schooling fish that mix well with tetras and rasboras and most other community fish that aren't big enough to eat them. Zebra danios and Leopard Danios are some of the most common species available. I highly recommend them for they are hardy and very entertaining with their high energy levels.

Rainbowfish are a unique, larger schooling species that get along well with most other species I've just mentioned. Juveniles are often drab but as they mature, they develop gorgeous colors. Their only drawback is they aren't quite as common.

Another schooling fish consideration is those within the barb family. Like Cherry barbs, rosy, gold, ruby and tiger barbs. Be cautious of the latter for they -can- sometimes fin nip slow fish that have long finnage. Otherwise, most barbs are active, playful and colorful fish that are also hardy and easy to care for.

Try to keep your individual species numbers within 6-8 at least. I estimate you could keep at least 6-7 schools of fish in your 75gal. You could also add a gourami as your 'centerpiece' fish so to speak. A large gourami would stand out beautifully among large schools of sparkling little tetras for example. Often gouramis will not get along very well longterm. Either keep just one or you could try keeping a pair. They can be territorial.

As far as extra advice. Just keep up with weekly water changes (around 30-50%). Test your water and monitor the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate level. And do research. These are some of the most important keys to sucessful fish keeping.

I hope this helps and good luck!