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Breeding Guppies

23 15:57:26

I started out with 2 guppies and now I have several! Can you tell me how often a female can breed and how long the gestation period is?  Also are there any signs that she is ready to bread or is already pregnant?

Hi Leah,
Guppies breed all the time. Pregnant females will have an ever-growing belly that will really "square-up" when its time for her to release the fry. Which is usually after a gestation of about 28 days, releasing up to 100 fry, depending upon her age. The larger and older guppy of course has more fry.  
And just from 1 single mating, she can produce several broods of fry. So even in a tank without males, a female guppy will likely be pregnant.

Provide lots of plants and cover in preparation for the babies to hide in and rest when the mother delivers them. Guppy fry are relatively easy to raise, just keep their water clean (daily 20% water changes do wonders for their growth) and feed tiny meals throughout the day. Powdered flakes are fine, but frozen baby brine shrimp and algae wafers provide variety.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!