Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > foam in aqaurium

foam in aqaurium

25 9:09:06


Hi Nori,
Aqaurium salt is for freshwater fish, it provides essential electrolytes that fish need to peek coloration and vitality.  I have always used it in my aqauriums and never had this problem....although I am using a different brand.  At any rate thank you for all of your help!!!  If I get down to the bottom of things I will let you know.
Thanks again,
Followup To

Question -
I am pretty sure that there isn't any bacteria or fungus in my has only been set up for 2 weeks.  I used botteled water, I didn't use a conditoiner, I only put 2 TBLS. of aqaurium salt in the tank.  So if this is caused by a "good bacteria"  what can I do?  It isn't having a bad effect on my fish but, it bothers me.  I have even changed my water.  I have never had this problem before.....I am baffeled.  Any advice that you might have is appreciated!
Breann Dolliver

Followup To

Question -
I have asked this question a couple of times and no one seems to have and answer.  I have a 10 gallon freshwater tank.  It has been set up for about a week.  My problem is that I have a layer of foam on the top of my tank.... when I feed the fish the foam goes wawy and then comes back shortly after? I have had many aqauriums and this has never happened before....any advice you have would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you!
Breann Dolliver

Answer -
Hi Breann,
Thank you for your question. The foam could be a sign of health or pollution. To determine what is causing the foam, ask yourself what you have put in the water.
Bottled or tap? Conditioner? anything else? How much do you feed per day?
I'll be happy to help you get to the bottom of it.
Meanwhile, here is my page for holistic aquarium care.
My system is based on prevention and detoxification. Prevention means preventing water pollution from over feeding. Detoxification means adding friendly bacteria to the water to make it more like a natural eco system.
Please read & print out the page. Maybe you will get information on what could be causing the foam in your tank.
If you are already following holistic principles, foam might still form. However, it would be a symptom that your water has lots of nutrients and good bacteria culture. I have seen foam in healthy tanks and it doesn't hurt anything.
Write back if you want to discuss further.

Answer -
Hi Breann,
It might have been the aquarium salt. What is it and why do you need it? Do you have a salt water tank? If not, you don't need it. That might be causing the foam.
If the foam is excessive, you can use a net to scoop it out.
Friendly bacteria does not cause foam, but might help break it down.
Please remember to print out my page for future reference:
Write back if you want to discuss further.

Hi Breann,
So it can't be the aquarium salt, as you say. It might be the water itself. Even most bottled water is local. It might have a mineral content. If it does not harm the fish, then you may just want to continue to scoop it out with a net until it eventually goes away. If it is something in your water, it might happen again when you change the water.
Sorry I could not be of more help. Yes, please tell me if you get to the bottom of it, since I often get questions about foam. It is pretty common, especially with new tanks.