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siamese fighting fish ill

23 15:53:53

I have 1 male siamese beta. and in the last week it has like a bubble underneath its mouth. Like bloating. He still eats but is hiding. Is this a blockage or something?

Hi Deb,
It would always help to see the fish. Is there any way you could send a photo? If not that is OK.

So the bubble is beneath his mouth? If its beneath the gill covers in his belly region he may have a intestinal problem. If it is just underneath his mouth it could be a bump that developed from an injury. Or it could be a bacterial infection, cyst, or tumor. Its very difficult to diagnose without special equipment and testing to see if and what pathogen is involved. It may even be built up scar tissue if the betta lunges and hits his face into decorations or other objects, especially when going after food or flaring.

For now, do several extra water changes to help keep his immune system up. Make sure his water temp is warm at least in the upper 70's and low eighties. Its good that he still eats. Keep a close eye on him and I think he will probably be OK.

I hope all is well!