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Platy Looks Thin

23 17:00:42

I have a 10 gal freshwater tank that has been set up since Aug 31, 2006. I have living plants and an AquaClear Mini filter. 30% of the water is changed every 2 weeks. There are 4 tetras, 2 pink fox, 2 otocynclis and 3 platys (1 male, 2 female). Until a few weeks all was well with the platys, but 1 female is harrassed by both the male and other female. She hides in the plants and now looks thin and unhealthy. Her appetite is good but I think she is quite stressed. What should I do to help her of fix the problem? Thank you.

Hi Grahame;

She may have to be moved to her own seperate tank. Sometimes fish just harrass another until they die. I really don't know why. Even just a little 3 gallon or something, as long as you can keep the temperature at 75 or higher and it has a filter.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins