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Tank analysis

23 16:14:38

I have recently been given a Jewel Vision 180Ltr tank by a friend that has recently moved to America. I want to take good care of these fish as i know how much Brian loved his fish. The tank seems well stocked with all types of fish;  1 Black ghost knife fish, 3 Blue Rams, 2 Chocolate Gouramis, 2 Red Jewel Cichlids, 2 Black and white marble angel fish, 2 common plecos, 2 clown loach, 1 yo-yo loach, 1 sun catfish (i think thats what it is), 1 rainbow shark, 2 flying foxes and a baby Pangasius (Paroon Shark) which i added myself. I know the idea Brian had was to separate some of these fish as they grow quite large and will eat other fish, I'm having trouble detirmining which he wished to separate and what size of tank he was going to put them in. I know the pangasius will get to around 2"foot i have done my research with this species and will be getting a 8"foot tank for 3 of these fish. Can you advice me on which fish i should put into another tank, if that would be necessary. And Which fish you think could go with the pangasius. I know this is a broad question as i have searched the net high and low for a forum that will give me some answers, none seem to be helping me as alot differ with each other, your opinion will be highly regarded (I've read alot on your site) any advice will be helpful.

Many thanx
Dru :)

I don't really know much about the Paronn Shark, I know the Black Ghost Knife fish should be moved into a 210 liter tank as a minimum the bigger the better, one of them was found in the wild at 3 feet long. Black ghost knife fish usually end up needing to be housed alone at that point unless the other fish is the same size.  It is really hard to tell which fish will mix. Two of them could be said to be peaceful but each fish has it's own personality and it might display different behavior than  the 'standard'.  I really can't tell you which will work with that.  The best thing to do is keep asking around, I'm sorry I can't help you in that regard. I hope this helps!
As long as the fish are the same size they should be ok together also check up on their aggressive tendencies if there are any!