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ph is 8.2

23 16:43:01

hi karen

for the past one month i have been trying to see the groath of my planted tank.but all the plants i planted are dying after 1 week or so...
i just measured my fresh water tank ph, its 8.2
my tap water ph is 7. i use Nisso electronic co2 generator during daytime
i use water conditioner and water stabilizer before i add tap water to the tank (to remove chlorine and chloramine)

tank size is 2.5ft x 1.5ft x 1ft
and the tank mates are 6 barbs, 6 rummy nose tetras, 6 zebra danios, 2 flying fox
ammonia and nitrites are "0"
pls help.....
how to bring the ph to a safe level and how to maintain this level consistently...  

Dear Madhav,
The only way to effectively bring your pH lower to your desired level is to use R/O water mixed with tap water. You can buy R.O home units or you can also buy R.O at some fish stores. It can be expensive but it is about the only best way to lower your pH. Chemicals just don't ever work.

Also consider your lighting levels and your fertilizer routine. Sometimes plants that are dying may be due to light deficiencies or nutrient deficiences. To read more about that, visit this website:

I really hope this helps!
Best of luck!