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mollies compatibility question

23 16:00:05

Hi Richard, I have a 10 gallon (my first aquarium I've had for a year now) with mollies - 2 female adults, 1 male adult, and 6 small to medium sized fry. Would it be possible to add at least one or more small tankmates? I am interested in 2 or 3 african dwarf frogs, or maybe golden dojo loaches, or shrimp, or just other fish.
Thanks for reading and hope to hear back from you -Tara C.

Hi Tara

9 Mollies in a 10 gallon is over capacity for the 10 gallon. The fry maybe medium sized now, but will be full grown in a few weeks. No other tankmates should be added with getting a larger aquarium.

Hope this helps, good luck!
