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nitrites levels too high

23 16:30:06

I have a 55 gallon tank with my nitrite levels being so high that they are off the charts.  I did a complete tank cleaning 2 wks ago and that is when the problem started.  I have 5 comets and 2 shubunkans.  A couple of them have had scales start to fall off so I took 4 fish out and put them into another tank.  I have also done 2 partial tank changes and still have this problem.  How can I fix it.  Saundra

The best thing you can do is keep changing partial water. Maybe 50 percent. There are also some items out on the market designed to lower Nitrite levels. You might want to pick one of those up. I really don't know what could be causing it at the moment because it doesn't sound like your tank is over stocked at all. I think you are lacking some of the good bacteria that makes the n-cycle go through most nitrite removers contain live bacteria.