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Untreatable White Spots on Goldfish

23 15:18:09

One of my goldfish (about 10mths old and about 6" long#, has had a cluster of about 5 white spots on the top of her tail fin for about 8 weeks. I've tried isolating and treating with Melafix, Pimafix and Myxazin courses. She is now back in the community tank because her partner was showing obvious signs of depression without her. I know this sounds strange but he was staying in the back corner of the tank apart from when I put food in, and throwing himself around whenever I put the light on. As soon as I put her back in he settled down and demonstrated his normal behavior again. So, now the cluster on the top of her tail are reducing but a new cluster has appeared at the bottom of her tail. I'm currently on day four of Protozin and day two of another course of Pimafix, I thought it best to use something on the non-dose days of Protozin as the second cluster appeared after the Protozin course started, and as Pimafix is a natural product there shouldn't be a problem #I hope#. Please can you advise what else I can try and what this might be? Incidentally, during all this time none of my other fish have had any sign of this #Danios, WC Mountain Minnows, Dojos, Corys and Plecs#.
Thank you

Hi Trish!

The white spots you mentioned are probably Ick. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (commonly known as freshwater white spot disease, freshwater ich, or freshwater ick) is a common disease of freshwater fish. It is caused by the protozoa Ichtyopthirius. Ich is one of the most common and persistent diseases. The protozoan is an ectoparasite. White nodules that look like white grains of salt or sugar of up to 1 mm appear on the body, fins and gills. Each white spot is an encysted parasite. It is easily introduced into a fish pond tank, or home aquarium by new fish or equipment which has been moved from one fish-holding unit to another. Once the organism gets into a large fish culture facility, it is difficult to control due to its fast reproductive cycle and its unique life stages. If not controlled, there is a 100% mortality rate of fish. With careful treatment, the disease can be controlled but the cost is high in terms of lost fish, labor, and cost of chemicals.

Ick can be very damaging to the gills and skin. In heavily infected fish it can cause a rapid loss of condition, considerable distress and death. Infected fish have small white spots on the skin and gills and produce excess mucus, due to irritation. Whitespot causes most damage when entering and leaving the tissues of the fish. This can lead to the loss of skin and ulcers. These wounds can harm the ability of a fish to control the movement of water into its body. Damage caused to the gill tissue of an infected fish can also reduce respiratory efficiency. This means it is more difficult for the fish to obtain oxygen from the water, and becomes less tolerant to low levels of dissolved oxygen.

I reccomend the Tetra Ick Guard. Ick Guard is a soothing conditioner that quickly clears ick, or white spot, on freshwater fish. It also acts as a vaccine, preventing other fish from getting infected. In addition that, it also treats and prevents the secondary effects of Ick. What you're doing is fine as long as the medicine is for Ick and is not being overdosed. Remember, more does not mean better. If the treatment you are currently using, please try the Tetra Ick Guard. It costs about $4-7 and can be found at almost any pet shop.  Please follow the instructions before using because it requires quite a few steps.

If you believe there are other diseases in your tank or fish, try the Tetra Life Guard. It's basically a panacea for fish diseases. You'll find this product also at any pet shop too. Well, at least Petsmart is guaranteed to have it.

If you want to make the healing process faster, try the API Stress Coat. (Yes, Petsmart has it too) Stress Coat removes stress up to 40% (scientifically proven!) and contains aloe vera that can also heal injuries. I reccomend this item because Ick is caused by stress and temperature changes.

Hope this helps!!
~ Sam