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very bloated stomach

23 16:34:20

One of my marbled angels has a very bloated stomach and swimming erratic likes to hang out on the bottom.  Other ANgels have nipped the fins next to nothing. It is about 3 years old.  Al other fish appear fine.  Is it time to give it the big flush? water temp around 74 f just cleaned tank 2 weeks ago  and added salt then. Just changed filter 2 days ago. Have never had any problems before.

Hi Mike
I don't recommend flushing any live fish.  Most of the time they will survive for quite some time, which is very cruel for them to suffer through.  If you decide to euthanize, I recommend using clove oil-found at some pharmacies, usually have to ask for it, kept behind the counters.  In small doses it's an anesthetic for fish, but larger doses it's a humane way to euthanize them.  Here's a link with some humane ways of euthanizing a fish:

If you still would like to try treating him, I'd recommend a separate tank if available to prevent the other's from picking on him, and in case it ends up being something contagious, it's best to move the fish at the first signs of a problem.  Bloated stomach, could be a few things.  Could be a female full of eggs, or a female and the eggs got "stuck" for one reason or other, could be internal parasites, or an internal bacterial infection.  

If the fish is still eating, the best treatment would be a combination of medicated food-both an antibiotic and an antiparasite meds.  You could also try Parasite Clear by Jungle Labs.

Hope that helps and good luck!
