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betta flaring

23 16:14:20

hey there, every time i put my finger in the water then he usually swims around my finger and runs when i try to touch him but he usually puffs up his gills when he sees me or my finger. what does that mean?

Hi Kenny: it means he doesn't want you to put your finger in his space.  Betta are ferocious little fish with huge tempers and bigger personalities.  I have to say that of all the fish I have ever kept... betta are my second favorite.  If you can I would offer him some live brine shrimp and watch him go crazy over them.  If you put a little piece of Styrofoam in his tank ... maybe about the size of a quarter of 50 cent piece he will build a bubble nest.  When betta flare they are telling you to back off... They are also known as the Chinese fighting fish and if you mix two males they will fight like crazy until one or both are either extremely wounded or dead.  dave