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Parakeet limping and breathing heavy

22 17:39:14

Hi Cynthia,  I just read Chrys Meatyard's answer about a parakeet with a broken leg and breathing heavy...(Chrys is on vacation) he said to make the cage confortable... My parakeet is 8 years old as well and how do you make the cake comfortable?  I know that they need to perch.

I appreciate your kind response.

Thank you,



I'm sorry I didn't get to this right away.  Is your bird limping and breathing heavy as well?  If so, it may be a tumor rather than a broken leg.

Making a cage more comfortable includes covering it on all but the front to keep in the warmth, and putting a heating pad underneath the cage to warm it.  Since I would assume the bird would have a difficult time getting around, I'd move the perches down low and put the seed and water in bowls on the floor.

Good luck,
