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Third generation import senegal as pet?

23 9:30:21

Hi, i have found a guy in my area selling two male third generation import senegals,  they are 2 years or younger(there grand paretns were wild caught but there parents came from the wild caught guys there the wild caught guysm grandchildren so to speak) I am very intreted in taking one of his hads for a very resinable price. He wa going to use them for breeding but he has several others and has to many to care for. My questions are:

Given a few months would one of these birds become semitame?(fingertame or at lest not running when you are feeding it? maybe even tame enogugh to play out of its cage? I have always wanted a senegal... and really want to take a little guy from him but I must know before hand if the bird would Ever come around even slightly? I know that the bird wont be half as tame as a handfed baby. i already have a large enough spare cage to keep him in and have experiance with my handfed male lovebrid in diet/care please let me know what you think. Also In a large cage with lots of syimulating toys and a great diet and living near my lovebird would he be too lonely if he never became tame? Thank you for your time.

I am hoping to understand you correctly, the birds that you are considering to buy have been born in captivity, from parents born in captivity, from parents who were caught wild.
If you are a novice to the bird family, especially to parrots, I would suggest that you do not buy one that is older.  It may take several years for a senegal to become even semi-tame.  It all depends on the bird, the time that you are willing to take with it, and the time that you have to take with it.  Some birds never come around to being handled, and some birds take to it right away.
I would suggest that you go in and watch the birds' several times over a few weeks.  If you see one that seems friendly enough, then buy him/her, if you do not, then take a pass on this bunch.  Just please do not make the mistake that most people make and buy the first bird that you see.  If there is going to be any kind of bond between you and a bird that you are looking to buy, you will know it within a short period of time.
A hand fed baby is always the best choice for anyone, but if a bird is willing to accept a bond with a human, that is a great thing.
Also remember that a lovebird is territorial, and if you bring a new bird(especially a wild one), your lovebird might reject the new addition to your(it's) home.  
If you decide to buy another bird, do not put it in a cage with your lovebird, as they will fight each other until one is killed.
I hope this helps you in your decision.
Take care and God Bless.