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Questions about breeding my parakeet

23 9:35:08

Hi, I have a parakeet that isn't old enough to breed yet and my friend has a year old girl parakeet.  Is that to big of a difference?  How do I need to breed them?  How long do the parents stay together?  What are the special needs of the babies?  What do i need to look for to make sure she is pregnate?  What type of nest do I need? Thanks

First let me say that parakeets mate for life, I recommend purchasing a female for your male. In order to breed, they need to "bond", that means they need a lot of time to get to know each other and eventually make babies. It can take a year or more for this to happen. Parakeets are able to breed somewhere between 1-2 years old. If you purchase a hen now, they should be well bonded by the time they are old enough to breed.

I could end up writing a whole book about breeding budgies, I suggest buying a book from your local PETCO, or possibly finding one at a library. Breeding birds is a challenge, it can take years to get a pair producing successfully for you. Take some time to do research, it'll pay off for you in the end :) Books have info on color genetics, housing requirements, nesting options, dietary needs, and care of chicks. I could never cover all that info here. If/when you get ready to breed and have more specific questions, I'll be glad to help you out!
Thanks, Julie