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nanday conure

22 17:41:10

QUESTION: I have a nanday conure that is 23 years old. We just have noticed that she has something sticking out down near where she eliminates or just above. I don't know whether it is bone or a growth but we never noticed it before. Is it possible this has always been there and maybe she picked some feathers off there or is this maybe some kind of growth. She really doesn't act sick but is eating all the time

ANSWER: Hi there,

To be honest, without seeing it, I wouldn't like to say for sure. It could be your birds bits, or a growth of some sort. I don't think it would be a bone as I cant think of what bone it might be?!

To be sure, take her to the vets and get it checked out. It may be worth, if you haven't done so already, to get her sexed to be sure.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what are bits? it looks really weird, it is not an egg. She has laid many eggs over the years but got the hormone shots to stop it. She doesn't seem to be in any distres over it, but I was just wondering what are bits and thanks so much for ansering my questions. I truly appreciate it.

Hi there.

When I say 'bits' I was referring to it possibly being male anatomy. Some birds have a little bump that shows, but as you say she has laid eggs, clearly its not that.

I would still suggest to go to the vets with this. If it is some type of cyst or growth, the vet will be able to suggest what to do next. Sometimes, if things aren't getting worse, it is best to leave it and sometimes disturbing something may encourage growth to speed up. On the other hand, if it is something else, it could be draining on vital parts of the body and make the bird worse in the long run.

Best to get a vet to asses it.
