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Robin egg

22 17:33:52

Hi, my name is Lucy. My aunt found a robin's egg a few days ago, and it's been out in the sun. Today, she brought it inside. I put it in a basket surrounded by soft tissues and what not, in the hopes of it hatching.

Now, I'm hoping that the baby bird is still inside, but I also know that the possibility is small. So I was wondering: What are the chances of the baby bird still being alive, and if it is possible to hatch it? Or should I go put it back outside and let nature take its course?

I'd really appreciate your opinion, because though I think it would be cool to hatch a bird, I also don't want to hurt the bird (if there is one).

What is your advice?

Hi Lucy. There are two possibilities. If the egg has been incubated and the young bird has started to develop inside, then it will not hatch because incubation has been interrupted. If incubation had not been started, it won't hatch either because it's been out in the sun. I'm 99.9% sure the egg has no chance to hatch. But thanks for your concern.