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New pair

23 9:30:33

well here'e my definitely female normal green Kiwi with her new what looks like to be a definitely male bluish grey friend Silver B. they both seem already of age to breed I'm guessing by the white ring surrounding their irises, no bars on forehead and clear indication of sex by cere coloring. hopefully things would work out well. she seems quite enamored by her new companion... I want baby keets.

they are in the tall cage btw since their wings aren't clipped and have full use of them.

the other pair (white male / lutino female) are in another cage... half the height but twice the width/depth and are just bonding greatly.

the two other younger ones (albino female / cinnamon winged yellowgreen male)... not yet sure of their sexes, are in a smaller play pen... they r quite the acrobats they do it all day long without tiring.  

Hi again, Greg.

Actually, your new blue/grey could be female.  Notice the white around it's nostrils.  Female keets can have blue ceres, but there will be white "framing" around the nostrils and around the edges of the cere (where the beak meets the face).  Watching this bird's behavior might help you determine it's true sex (or if she lays an egg).

The green/yellow has the same white framing around nostrils.  However, this bird looks young yet and often times as the bird gets older, this can change.

I don't recommend colony breeding with keets, but if you want to try this, you'll need to put twice as many nesting boxes in a cage as you have pairs in the cage.  For example, if you have 2 pairs per cage, include 3-4 nesting boxes.  If you have 3 pairs per cage, include 5-6 nesting boxes.  This will help prevent nest robbing, baby killing, fighting, etc.  

Female keets need to be 9-12 months of age minimum before breeding them.  Breeding is hard on female birds, so let them grow up physically internally before letting them mate.
