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Budgie Breeding

22 17:49:02

Hi Wayne, I was just wondering if you know much about budgie breeding...if you do I hope you can help. I have had two budgies together for about two  years...i am wondering how they will get interested in mating and also when they lay the eggs and if they hatch...what do I feed the baby??? What kind of breeding nest is needed... a half breeding nest of the whole nest(if you know what I mean)
Thank you if you can help me,


1st.) make sure you have a male and female

2nd.) You need a parakeet nest box with a concave bottom

3rd.) The parents will feed the babies regurgitated food unless you plan on handfeeding them. If that is your plan you will need a syringe and bird hand feeding formula you can purchase from your local bird shop or online. Before doing this you want to read up on it because it is a delicate matter.

Good Luck,
