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sick quaker parrot

22 17:49:03

I got home today and my bird was acting fine..... just a couple hours later she was acting very lathargic and just not like herself at all.... no energy in her at all... it just happened so quick.... and she didnt eat anything out of the ordinary. She has diareaha... I dont know what to do.... is there anything you can tell me that might help me....  


Sorry for the delay in my response. I would take her to an Avian vet ASAP. Anything I would tell you would just be a guess. Without seeing her and observing her for my self. This is too serious of a problem for a guess.

Good Luck, I hope everything turns out ok.


P.S. If no local avian vet available, I would keep her warm check with local feed store for a general antibiotic and administer as directed. Something is weakening her system, problem is it could over a dozen different things.