Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > eggs?!?!?!?!


22 17:59:13

I have had two parakeets for a year now.  One is male and one is female for a fact.  I went to clean their cage about two days ago and noticed 3 eggs on the bottom of the cage.  I totally freaked out and didn't know what to do.  I ahndled the eggs with a washcloth and attempted to put two of the eggs (the other was cracked) underneath her.  She quickly threw one back out.  She is nesting them in her bird bed, which she will not move from even after I bought her a nest.  She seems comfortable and I don't want to disturb her.  Anyway, she ended up pushing out another egg out of her nest, still sitting on one.  So she has one egg, but I came home from work and there was yet ANOTHER egg on the bottom of her cage.  I removed the male from the cage because he seemd to be bothering her.   Is that okay?  What do I do about the egg?  Should I feed her any special diet?  I want to hand tame the bird because I have a total of 3 already and they are hand tame, but not from birth.  I know they are a lot differant, but they are wonderful!  I really want to have at least one survive.  Should I expect anymore eggs?     Please help I am so clueless and there aren't any good websites for this information!  Thank you so very very much!

Hi, Mia.  Thanks for posting!

There's lots of good websites out just have to know what to look for and understand what you are reading.

If she won't incubate her egg in a nesting box, then you'll need to leave it where she wants it.  It may/may not hatch successfully however.  She may lay up to 6 eggs in order to complete a full clutch.  The male feeds the female while she incubates the eggs and cares for the babies, so it's important he remain with her.  Just leave the egg(s) where she has laid them.  

The female doesn't need a special diet...hopefully, you already have your birds on a healthy diet (not all seed I hope).  The male will feed your female (and your female may feed herself, too).

If you want any babies to be tame, you'll need to handfeed them.  See my website for information on this part:

I can't tell you if these eggs will hatch or not.  Just be aware of the possibility some may hatch or none may hatch as a result of where she has laid her eggs.  It would really be best if they had been laid in a nesting box.

Come back with any additional questions.
