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mourning dove

22 17:33:50


baby mourning dove
My boys found a baby mourning dove which we are caring for with baby bird formula and a lamp for heat. We are wondering if there is a way to determine the sex of the hatching now, or if we have to wait until it has adult feathers...
Also would you be able to help us determine the age. I think it was just hatched on Friday the 22, when they found seemed kind of wet still and the other egg was not yet hatched.
I will attach a picture of the bird the day we found it.
Thank you so much, Jaclyn

You found a Mourning Dove or you found the nest? If you found the nest, please put it back where you found it, both egg and young. Parents are looking for it and it is illegal to possess.
If the nest was abandoned and you know that for sure, contact your local wildlife rehab center for help and advice. Also go to for links to advice on caring for baby birds.
If it was hatched on the 22nd, then it is 3 days old. There is no way to tell the sex at this age; it's even difficult with mature adults.
Thanks for your concern.