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Keeping male zebra finches together?

23 9:34:43

I currently own 2 female zebra finches who live in a small cage. I really like these birds a lot and would like to have more sometime. My question is, can you keep several males together in a decent sized cage or will they fight even without females around?
Thank you for your help!

Hi Susan,

Groups of zebra finches usually get along beautifully regardless of their sexes.  Males rarely fight over females even when they're present, and without any females around a group of males would likely do just fine.  That said, sometimes you may run across a particularly grumpy individual who'll prove me wrong!

A couple things to keep in mind.  First, they should be kept in even numbers.  Even a same-sex group will form pairs, and odd numbers leave one lonely extra.  Second, groups of birds especially need room to get away from each other - nice large cages.  For my finches and doves, I also provide cover in their cages in the form of live or fake plants.  This gives them some extra territory in their cage to hide in and explore... besides being pretty to look at!

- Lara