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My Bird Is Attacking

23 9:30:15

My Bird laid eggs. Caring for the eggs for about tewo weeks. All of the sudden the male is attacking the female. real Agressive. What Can I do? Or Why is this happening? I seperated the birds as of now. The Male is still with the eggs. Thank you.  

Hi, Jake.  Thanks for posting.

I don't know why this is happening with your pair.  I don't have enough knowledge of your birds in order to be able to determine this.  I do know that this happens sometimes with pairs of birds for various reasons usually only they know.  

You did what you should do and separate them if these attacks are so aggressive one or the other bird is being injured.  Be aware though that parrots do have their fights/arguments when more than 1 is in a cage...this is normal  This becomes a problem if one gets injured or draws blood.  

If there are eggs and you want them to still hatch, and depending on the species of bird, you probably need to put the female with the eggs.

You may or may not be able to keep these birds together in the future.
