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training a parakeet

22 17:48:22

I have a 4 months old ringneck parakeet how must I start trainig it and what must I teach him first?

Hello Shyamal and thank you for your post.
The first thing that your bird should learn is the "step Up Command".  Here is how I teach all of my birds (and it does work).
Cut back on the bird's food (but please do not starve the bird).  When you are going to have the bird come out of it's cage, take the food dish out about 5 minutes before hand (birds constantly think about food) and hold the food dish or some food in one hand.  With the other hand, open the cage door and let the bird come out on it's own.  Hold your free hand up to the bird and the hand with the food close enough so that the bird can see that you have it, but the bird can not reach it unless it steps onto your hand and give the "Step Up" command (or whatever command that you want to use for this).  Once the bird steps, even one foot onto your hand, give it a couple of nibbles of food as a reward.  The bird will soon learn that it is ok to step onto your hand and will readily do so.  Remember that time, patience, trust, and consistency are the keys in taming/training birds.
This method also works with trick training.

Good luck and God Bless.