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Strawberry finches

23 9:33:31

I received two Strawberry finches for Christmas.  They are two males and get along very well.  There is not any fighting or picking. They seem happy.  Recently, I noticed the feather color was starting to change and have found quite a few feathers on the floor of the cage.  I assumed they were moliting.  Now I am concerned because one of the birds is getting a bald spot on the back of his neck, but there is no sign of fighting  or mites.  Can this be molting?  Also, do you recommend seed or pellet food?  Thank You.

Hello Suzanne,

Yes they are moulting, I'm not sure that the bald spot is from moulting thou.... are there tiny brisle like things coming in where the bald spot is? if so these are called pin feathers they will unravle into feathers once they are long enough, I reccomend pellets, a diet of 50% pellets, 25% seeds & 25% fruits/vegtables is the best, I reccomend kaytee pellets but mazuri and zuplin(not sure of the spelling) are great as well.