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My bird just threw up! What do i do?

22 17:36:26


I was holding my bird skeeta (parakeet), and she was chirping and biting my nail like she always does. she did this for a few minutes when all of a sudden she threw up!it was like 5 seeds, undigested. what do i do?! She's about 7 or 8 months old- and i caught her outside. is she sick? help!

Smiles, very happy birds who really love you will regurgitate food for you. It is symbolic of trying to feed you, like they feed their young!

You know how cats still knead their paws when they are content? Well birds will occasionally get so happy they want to give you some yummy regurgitated food.

If she is fine in all other ways I would just assume she is showing you affection.

Happy Holidays