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parakeet broken leg

23 9:30:36

While I am away from home my mother is taking care of my two parakeets at home. Sparkles, who is 8 years old just went to the vet for a broken leg and to get a cast put on it. After several attempts at keeping a bandage on her leg without her picking it off, she returned to the vet to find out that she has nerve damage in her leg. The vet gave my mom some possibilities...amputation of that one leg or just leave it and the leg might fall off itself but she doesnt know when. The vet told my mom that Sparkles was breathing harder than usual and that her foot on her broken leg wouldnt grasp or even try. Since I don't know much  amputation and what to do in this situation since I am not there I was wondering if you have any advice? Is there any possibilities that Sparkles will suffer further from stroke or anything after surgery? Any input would be helpful.

Thank you.

Hi, Pam.  Thanks for posting.

I'm sorry to hear about your keet.  Actually, birds do quite well with disabilities associated with amputation, permanent leg injuries, etc.  You might have to make your keet a specialized cage to accommodate her disability and make life better for her, but I'm sure she will get along well.  

I had a keet who lost her entire leg and shoulder after an amazon caught her in mid-flight by the hip.  Her entire leg eventually fell off at the shoulder and she got along just fine.  I also keep pigeons and they have all sorts of leg/feet problems, and they also do quite well because they can fly to get where they want inside their large loft.

Sparkles is likely breathing harder because she has to work more to do things because of her injury.  Also, an injury causes added stress for the bird.  At her old age of 8, it is possible she could have complications, including a stroke, heart attack, etc.
