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Love Bird Constantly Scratching

22 17:41:21

Hello, I know this is not a Parrot question but I was hoping maybe you might have some ideas.  My Lovebird, Jack, seems to be constantly scratching and pulling out feathers.  I have taken him to a vet several times but we do not have any Avian vets anywhere near us so we do not get much help.  It seems to me it is like there is something irritating his skin that he scratches and picks at all the time.  He has pulled out almost every feather on his back end.  Otherwise he is a happy and extremely friendly little bird. Any ideas that you may have would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble.

I am not sure, as I haven't seen your bird, but one idea is that he is simply preening and having a molt. This can often cause the illusion that he is plucking his feathers. Has he got a range of toys that you can change over every so often to keep him amused?

However, if you are certain that isn't the problem, check a few environmental factors to start with. Make sure he isn't in a draft. Make sure his food hasn't gone off. Make sure he is getting enough light. Make sure that the heating is not too high near the bird cage.

Also, ask your vet for 3 things. An antibiotic that you can put in the water. An injectable cat and dog antibiotic, weakened down is good. put a little sugar free squash in the water to make it taste ok. Ask for some mite drops. Xeno are the ones that are vet strength here, and I recommend them. Lastly, ask him to make up some anti fungal stuff to put in the water. Unless you can get to an avian who will run all sorts of test, try treating him with the most possible things.

With the mite drops, you aren't really supposed to let them have a bath or they wash it all off, but make up a very dilute solution of something really smelly like TCP (medical antiseptic) and give him a light spay once or twice a day. This will make his feathers taste horrid and will put him off pulling them, as it could be simply habit. If not, it could become that way while you figure out the route of the problem.

For now, I can think of anything else it could be. So let me know how you get on and I will let you know if I think of anything else.

Just out of interest, you said at the beginning of your question that it wasn't parrot related. Did you know that lovebirds are parrots?
