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parakeet taming

22 17:50:37

How do I tame a parakeet in the easiest way I don't care how long it will take and is there a way I can tame two at once

Hello, taming two is hard they want to be shy and scared together instead of alone which is where the best tamed birds come from...being kept alone. The only way I've tamed birds is to clip there wings(the feathers will grow back) and take them out forcefully three + times daily for 10/15 minutes each time in this time you take each bird one by one into a quite room away from there cage(they will try flutter to it) and sit the bird on yuor finger pet him talk to him offer treats but most scared young budgies refuse to touch treats....if you do this with the pair every day in about 7 to 10 days they should be willingly stepping onto your hands this is as long as yuor careful with them and when you remove them from tehre cage be sure not to squeeze them or they will never like you lol, this worked for taming an older female budgie baby she was are 5 months old and paretn raised and worked well for taming a 6 month old female parent raised cocaktiel.