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Introducing a companion lovebird

22 17:47:35

Three years ago, one of two lovebirds died.  How do I go about introducing another lovebird to take its place.  I don't know the sex of the one that is left.  

Hi, Denny,

It would really be best to DNA sex the bird you currently have.  It only costs about $20 via Zoogen or Avian Biotech.  You can look both these Labs up on the internet.  Testing kits are free and come with instructions.  

Knowing the sex of the bird, I would recommend buying a companion bird of the opposite sex.  I recommend this because the chances of the 2 getting along well together are better if they are opposite sex.  Some same-sex lovies don't get along and some do...this depends on the individual birds involved.  Lovies can fool you...same sex can get along so well you wouldn't know they are the same sex, but on the flip side, some fight.  

To introduce them to each other, first quarantine any new birds for at least 30 days.  Then, place them side-by-side in separate cages.  Observe to see how they get along.  When you are satisfied they are getting along well enough, start letting them outside their cages together.  Observe how they get along.  If they get along well enough together outside their cages, then you can put them together in the same cage.  Watch them for a while to ensure they are compatible.
