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cockateil and budgie relationship

22 17:47:16

Hi i recently put my budgie cage and cockatiel cage right next to each other, for company.
I noticed today that they were both sitting at the side of their cages, reaching through the bars, kissing each other.  
My budgie is a girl I think and my cockatiel is a boy.
Is this normal behavior?
I have two budgies in the one cage and the boy budgie isn't bothered with the girl budgie at all.
The cockatiel is on his own.
would they fight if I put the budgie in with the cockatiel?
Please help, Rachel

Hello Rachel,

The behavior you are seeing is the birds either mimicking or actually feeding each other. This is a very normal bonding behavior for birds. It sounds like they would like to be in the same cage.

Just be sure that your cage is large enough to house two birds. A minimum size for a single budgie would be 24"x24"x24". You would want larger for two birds.

I encourage you to continuing learning all you can about parrot behavior. My website has links that you will find interesting.
