Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > nesting


22 17:47:15

My feamale tiel laid an egg today.  Do I take the male out of the cage.  They are so use to being together he has a fit when she isn't there.  He seems to be feeding her for the last month or so.  She eats on her own but this behavior start back in August.  He is very protective toward thier area.  Charges when anyone but myself get in there to do things.  I still get charged at some what but not as much.

Hello Penny,

If the male is caring for the female and there are no problems between the two then I don't see any reason to separate them. If you are wanting to avoid aggression towards you then you need to prevent breeding behaviors.

Here are some tips to reduce breeding hormones.

1. Increase her dark uninterrupted sleep time from 10-12 hours to 12-14 hours every night. Increased light is the strongest trigger.

2. Do not allow access to anything that may resemble a nest, such as cozy huts, the floor, under tables, chairs etc. Do not provide any nesting materials.

3. Limit your pets to head scritches only. Any contact to her back, wings, tail, etc is sexual to her. Only a mate would have contact with these areas and only for the purpose of breeding.+
