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Strange Parakeet Behavior

22 17:46:38

Hi, I'm very worried about my parakeet. I've had him for about..a month now and he's been doing great. Today, as I got home, I went to his cage and took him out to play/socialize. He doesn't really have anything to talk to during the day, so I always get him out when I get home. Today, when I got him out, he seemed a little bloated, but fine..until I noticed his chirp. It was low, sick sounding...just lower than usual. he flew off of my finger to go explore, like ususal, when he ran under the little space where our counters meet the floor in the kitchen. When I tried to pick him up, he was very aggresive towards me, then almost instantly got sleepy. He fell asleep on me, which is strange, and wouldn't seem to wake up for anything. He's very puffed up, and sleepy. He seems unstable, lethargic, etc. He;s "yawning" alot and seems to do this strange thing with his head/neck. My Aunt says this is not normal behavior (she own the pet store I had purchased him from) and asked me to call her immediately the next morning if he had worsened, she said he might be sick with something. Please, I am very worried about him, I was advised to put a heating pad onto his cage, close to where his perch was, so he could be warm, though my house is 70 degrees, and a heating pad wasn't available, so I set his next to the living room heater ( which really isn't that hot, is very steady into terms of releasing heat) and put a blanket over his cage. I just really need to know if what I am doing is hurting him more than helping him, he's still a baby (or young), and so far by his "nose-skin" he seems to be male. Please, your help would be very, very appreciated and my bird and I will be more than thankful.

--Thank you so much


Hello Elizabeth and thank you for your post.
You need to take your little friend into a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet right away!  (S)He is sick.  
As far as putting him/her in front of the heater, this is NOT a good idea.  This can actually be fatal for him/her.  Another option that you can use to keep the bird warm is a lamp with a lower watt light bulb (plant growing light are perfect for this).  Be sure that your baby isn't in any kind of draft.
You should take the perches out of its cage, to halp keep him/her from climbing.  The main thing that you want to do right now is to keep him/her warm and calm, but get him/her into a vet right away.
Please keep me updated.

Good luck and God Bless.