Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Parrot


22 17:41:11

QUESTION: i have a Black headed caique called George, he has started to nip, and flying up to the picture frames, lights and the curtain rails, how can i stop this as we promised the breeder who we visit regularly that as he was such a small bird not to clip his wings.

ANSWER: Hi there,

Thanks for the question.

Clipping wing is the worse way to make a bird tame, regardless of size. If you clipped their wings, you take away their independence and confidence, and also they could hurt themselves really quite badly. their wings are used as balance as well as for flying. Let face it, thats the idea of having a bird, it flys.

What needs to be done here is good old fashioned parrot training. Bird nip for 2 reasons. Firstly dominance and secondly fear. If your bird is flying off and trying to get high, then it could well be fear.

You need to work slowly and patiently with your bird and offer lots of treats and reassurance. don't shout, clap or wave your arms about. Be slow in your movements and bribe them into trusting you with little rewards such as a sunflower seed.

I can recommend some good training books if you like.

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: we are worried that maybe him flying up to the lights is more of a harm to him. he is fine and very friendly with everyone in the room. he does go funny around strangers but he soon relaxes, although when i have him in the room alone he stays with me same with my godmother and her boyfriend ( my guardians) and he is fine with us all separately and sometimes when all three are in the room there are some nights he never leaves us. George really enjoys my friends coming over as they stay over regularly, he also loves to hair surf. we found out his favorite treats are shelled sunflower seeds and flaked almonds. he has learnt to wolf whistle and now can laugh. we found out he could laugh when i was teaching him some tricks i was coaxing him with a almond and he nicked it out of my hand and in a clear voice he laughed. We are also training him to wear a harness and lead so we can take him out side for walks. he is very good on this and does not attempt to fly.

your last answer helped lots please can you give me the names of them training books please


With regards to the light fitting, for him to be acting like this, he is obviously being freaked out by something. If you know that it is when people come over, perhaps put him in his cage until he is used to them. Don't make sudden movements of be too loud about him or that will only add to his anxiety.

Try these book. Parrot Training by Bonnie Munro Doane, Why Does My Parrot by Rosemary Low (it tackles problem behavior) and if your bird is a talker, Teaching Your Bird To Talk by Diane Grindol and Tom Roudybush.
