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Introducing new tiels & taming

23 9:34:50

How lnog should I wait before I put my new tiels with my old tiels?

How long does it take to tame an parent raised tiel?

That depends on the personality of your bird, and how good YOU are. *smiles* The best thing you could do is take the time to observe your bird before you attempted to try anything. You'd be surprised how much of the bird's personality you can pick up on by just observing. For instance, a shy bird would not be approached in the same manner as a more aggressive and/or carefree bird. There really is no rule here. Do a lot of reading up on the subject, observe his/her personality, and go with the things they seem to accept naturally. Once you gain his/her trust, you'd be surprised what you can accomplish. I will mention, also, to take notice of the feet temperature of your bird while taming/training. Meaning, if they feel hot to the touch, they are pretty stressed out. I'd allow them rest at that point. Another point is, consistancy. Short training/taming sessions of 15 mins a couple times a day (the same time each day) is a good place to start. You can lengthen that as he/she becomes accustomed to what you are doing.
Good luck, and best regards,
Linnie :)
My apologies. The question, as I received it, had a lot of spaces between the two q's. And I only saw the one. To answer your second q, 'how long should you wait before you put new 'tiels with old ones? The rule of thumb is that you should keep them separated for about 1 month at least. Some suggest longer. This way you get to realize if the newer 'tiels are harboring any contageous diseases of any kind. 60 days is better. When putting them together, always observe that the 'tiels that are used to the cage (I'm assuming you are housing them together, from how I read this question) do not abuse the new comers. A way to get around this, sometimes is to put all 'tiels in a "neutral" cage. One that nobody's laid claim to. Again, I apologize for skipping over part of your question. Blame the spacing of the question. *smiles* Ok, blame me. I should have looked much closer. :)
Best regards,
Linnie :)