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senegal parrots

23 9:34:48

Are senegal parrots one person birds? can they mimic?

I can't say whether Senegals as a group are one-person birds, because they're VERY individual birds.  Even birds from one clutch can have very different personalities.  Some are strongly one-person birds, others are quite social.  It just depends on their inborn personalities, as well as how they are raised.  I'd say most tend towards being one-person birds, but can be trained to be more social if they get used to different people when they're young.

Yes, they can mimic.  They usually prefer to mimic sounds over voices - whistles, clicks, sounds they hear around the house etc., sometimes other bird noises.  Most do say at least a few things, though - some can be quite good talkers.  The best talkers among the Poicephalus parrots (the group Senegals are a part of) are the bigger Jardines.

- Lara