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parakeet and love bird fight

22 17:49:52

Hi Jennifer,

I have a pair of parakeets in one cage and a love bird in another, the other day while I was cleaning their cages I let them out, which I normally do, however this time the love bird attacked one of my parakeets and made a mess of the back of her head.  I got the keet and washed off the wound during which her feathers came out.  Now the wound seems to be open with neither skin nor scalp covering her skull, as if the skin were peeled back. She is eating and grooming herself as usual but it looks awful.  I can't really afford a vet visit and wondered if there was some home care I could give her wound that would assist in healing?

Hello Barbara,

Your bird needs to be seen by an avian veterinarian immediately. Without proper diagnosis and treatment you should not use any home remedy as this can make the bird's condition worse.

The condition of your bird is serious enough to be life threatening. If you cannot provide veterinary care please take your bird to a rescue or shelter that can take care of your bird.
