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broken leg of 4 year old yellow and green parakeet

23 9:31:04

We have ywo male parakeets that are 4 years old. One day I noticed that the yellow and green (Dale)'s leg was hanging down from the perch )he was not standing on it. I went to Pet's Mart and they said it might have a virus and gave me some antibotic tablets to put in the water(They said it would not hurt the other bird to drink the water with the tablet in it). It is wanting to set on the bottom of the cage. I would like to know what is wrong with it? Should I take it to our vet? Dale is drinking and eating okay. He seems to be getting bigger too. I would appreciate and information that you can give me.
I love birds and love to hear them sing.
Have A Blessed Day.


Hi, Aaron.  Thanks for posting.

Sounds like your keet could have a broken leg or foot or possibly some type of hip problem.  I'd recommend you stop the antibiotic in the water and get your keet to the vet...viruses can't be treated with meds, antibiotics are for bacterial infections, and putting anything in a bird's water can actually make it sick because bacteria starts growing as soon as anything is added to water.  However, you need to take him to a bird vet (exotic animal who treats reptiles, snakes, etc.), not a cat/dog vet (unless the cat/dog vet has the necessary specialized training in aves...most do not).  If this were a virus, your keet would likely have died by now.  Could be an infection of some type that would require antibiotics, but more likely a leg injury of some sort...fairly common in keets.  A bird vet is your best bet here.  
