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Should I get my budgie a friend?

23 9:33:46

Hi, I got my 12 wk old parakeet about 2 weeks ago. We've been giving him lots of attention and love. He was letting us take him out of the cage but now runs from us, won't come out of his cage, & we don't know why. Today I played him parakeet sounds from the net & he started chirping a lot & even flew at the cage walls a couple times like he'd lost his mind & fell down. It was like he was out of control with the desire for other birds. Do you think he's lonely for other budgies? Should I get him a friend? Thanks much. Krisi

Hello Krisi, if hes prodived with human company(alot of time on your part) then he will be fine...of coarse hehas to enjoy your can never replace a budgie friend thou so I reccomend you get him a friend...a male or female will be fine. I hope this helps if you have any more questions just ask.