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parakeet beak

23 9:30:42

My daughter has a parakeet and its face started to get all dry and now most of its bottom beak is all broken and cracked and the cere of its nose the holes are all swelled up and dry as well I was wondering if this was a case of scaly face or something else. Still very active eats, drinks doesn't act sick at all. If You could help at all that would be great.
Thank You.

Hi, Rhonda.  Thanks for posting.

I've never seen scaly mites crack and break a bird's beak.  They bury under the skin on the legs and feet and around the beak.  Perhaps they can cause damage to the beak if not treated...I'm not sure about this because I've never let the condition get that far.  Is this bird able to eat with this bad beak condition?  I recommend you get this keet to an avian vet quickly to determine exactly what's going on before the bird won't be able to eat at all and/or breathe because of the cere problem.  If it's scaly mites, it only takes 1 or 2 drops of prescription medication the vet can prescribe.  If it's not scaly mites, the vet can determine what it is and treat also.  

Instinctively, birds won't act sick until they can't hide their sickness any more.  By that time, it can be too late.  Don't hesitate to get this condition diagnosed and treated.
