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parakeet with swollen abdomen

23 9:30:41

My parakeet has got a notibly swollen lower abdomen -pink, feathers gone from area. Also slightly lumpy swollen cere. I have lost paraketts to kidney failure/age before being picky seed eaters.
Is there something I can do to be sure bird is not in pain or help recover? She is moving around, still eating and passing - mostly sitting in a perch facing mirror.
Does not let me handle! Last of a pair, but is in a cage next to two 'tiels for company/chatter.
do I need a vet and will they be able to do anything to be sure bird is comfortable? Or can I pick up liguid supplement or antibiotic if this is some sort of infection symptom?

Hi, Linda.  Thanks for posting.

I can't answer your questions because I don't know what's wrong with your keet.  A swollen abdomen could be a tumor, could be obesity (keets on all-seed diets are prone to fatty liver problems and tumors), if female could be a bound egg...I just can't say based on the information in your post.  If the bird is in pain, you will certaintly know it because she won't be able to keep it to herself (you'll see/hear her suffering).  The "slightly lumpy swollen cere" is confusing...does she have scaly mites?  Scaly mites are parasites that bury under the skin on legs/feet/around beak, etc.  

I recommend you take to avian vet for medical evaluation.  Only an avian vet can properly diagnose and prescribe appropriate meds...the meds you might find in a pet shop won't do the trick...they aren't strong're just wasting your money buying these.

Although keets are primarily seed eaters, they can be converted to a pelleted diet and more healthy, nutritional foods to help prevent some of the problems keets are prone to.  I allow my keets to have seed mixed with pelleted food, but ONLY after they have eaten their soft food mix, which is very nutritional and they love it!  Therefore, keets can be made to eat properly if their humans let them do so, and a lot of health problems can be avoided.
