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Eating problem with my parakeet

23 9:31:02

Now that you mention, he has been sleeping puffed up on his perch more at night. I can't tell that he's lost any weight, and I don't see anything coming out around or out of his nostrils.


Followup To

Question -
We've had our parakeet, Petrie, for a couple years now. But he hasn't been eating his regular (vege-blend)bird seed for almost a week now. I've tried changing to a different food, but he still hasn't eaten. He does still love the spray millets I give him though?(once a week usually, but more often this week since that's all he seems to eat.?) He seems to be drinking his water too, but do you have any idea why he's not eating his regular food? I'd appreciate any help you can give us! (just a note-this is my work e-mail so I will not see any answer until tomorrow if you respond before then.) Also, I asked this question to Tara too just now, but wasn't sure who might best help me so thought I'd ask you as well. Thanks!

Answer -
Hi, Michelle.  Thanks for posting.

From the information provided in your post, I don't have a clue what's wrong with Petrie.  Most birds won't eat, or reluctantly eat, a new brand of food...parrots can be very it doesn't surprise me Petrie isn't eating the new food.  However, I need more details about what's going on before I might be able to help any further.  Is he losing weight?  Has his behavior changed other than not eating?  Is he sleeping puffed up on a perch all the time or sitting on the cage bottom?  Anything coming out of or around his nostrils?  Keep giving him as much millet as he'll eat until you can get to the bottom of the problem.  Could be something simple or you might need to take Petrie to an avian vet for an evaluation.


Hi again, Michelle.

Feathers puffed up when a bird is sleeping at night isn't necessarily a sign of illness.  Most parrots puff their feathers up somewhat when sleeping at night.  If he is puffing his feathers up and sleeping during the day more than normal, could be a sign of illness.  However, when a parrot is ill, there is usually more than 1 sign of illness.  

Parrots have good days and bad days, just like humans.  For example, one of my amazons exhibited signs of illness last Sunday and Monday, but yesterday, she was back to her normal self.  Had me extremely nervous, but she must have just felt a bit under the weather for a couple of days.  This might be what's going on with your keet.  Sometimes birds catch a bug and/or just might not feel very well for a couple of days, sometimes a week, sometimes longer.  The key is knowing when it's the right time to take the parrot to see the birdie vet.  If in doubt or without the proper knowledge, it's best to be safe than sorry.  You know your keet better than anyone else, so if you're concerned that he might be sick, make an appointment for Petrie with an avian vet for a checkup.  None of the information you provide leads me to believe that Petrie is ill, although alarms do go off for me when a parrot won't eat for a couple of days, depending on what else might be going on.  

Perhaps Petrie isn't eating as much of his regular diet because he's getting enough spray millet?  You might want to eliminate the millet for a day or so and see if Petrie starts eating his food again.  I'd recommend you get Petrie on a healthier diet, too.  All seed isn't good, especially for keets, who are prone to fatty liver medical problems.   

Sorry I couldn't be more help.
