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Cage Linings

23 9:30:28

What would you recommend I line my budgies cage with at the moment I am using sand sheets but these last few days he has started chewing them and I can't beleive this is good for him.

We have only had him for two weeks and is a baby this is the first time he has done this he is eating well and is fine apart from this - should I be worried
Thank you

Hi, Ann.  Thanks for posting.

Actually, the best cage setup for a parrot (your budgie is a parrot) is one in which the droppings can pass through the wire on the cage bottom into a catch pan so the bird can't come into contact with its droppings.  However, I use newspaper or paper towels in cages that don't have a catch pan.  Pet supply stores that cater to birds sell sheets specifically designed for cage bottoms (that are not sand sheets).  The sand sheets are not good for a parrot's feet, similar to sand paper perch covers...both can damage the bottom of a bird's feet.  Also, you do not want your budgie eating the sand...this can be harmful to them.
