Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > thank u

thank u

23 9:34:34

thank u for the info about the cockatiels.i bought 2 dimon doves from a person they where suppose to be a pair but have not layed any eggs.


Hi again, Dustin.  How long ago did you buy the Diamond Doves and do you have them set up properly for breeding?  They must be a BONDED pair before they will lay eggs and they must feel secure in their housing and surroundings (if they don't like each other, are the same sex, or don't feel their surroundings would be safe for their babies, they won't lay).  Also, just because someone told you they were a pair, doesn't mean they are (there's some dishonest people out there, especially when they have something to sell and someone who wants to buy)!
